Marin FC Homepage
Marin FC Payment Portal (TEST)
Player Information
Player Name
Player first name
Player last name
Player Email
Parent Full Name (Person making this payment)
Payment Details
Payment Amount
Enter the dollar amount of your payment below.
The Payment you are making is for:
Select one
Financial Aid Payment
Team Fees (non Financial Aid)
Invoiced Amount (please add Invoice # in the comment section below)
Prior Balance (please specify in the comment section below)
Donation (please specify in the comment section below)
Other (please specify in the comment section below)
Payment Sub-Total (with PayPal fees)
Total Amount
Payment Method: Please choose your preferred payment option – PayPal or Credit Card.
PayPal Checkout
Credit Card
Supported Credit Cards: MasterCard, Visa
Card Number
Expiration Date
Security Code
Cardholder Name